Planning a family reunion by yourself, especially really large family reunions, can be both difficult and lonely as you try to take on every single task on your own. Most of the time, it’s just not possible to do it by yourself and you will need a group of people, known as a committee, to aid you in the planning process.
Family reunion committees are a great way to bring family together before the reunion and can really make the planning process more enjoyable. Just how do you go about deciding what kinds of committees are needed? How do you decide who will be on each committee? What responsibilities will each committee have? Find answers to all of these questions and more below.
How To Form Committees and Subcommittees
First thing you need to do is find out who is interested in being in a committee of some sort, and you do this by starting with local family members by simply asking. You might just be surprised at the turnout of willing participants. Once you have a few family members interested, set up a meeting to being the long process of planning.
During the meeting, everybody will need to discuss the various areas in which a committee will be needed, and each individual’s talents, abilities, and interests will need to be assessed to see where they would be the most helpful and where they would be the best fit.
Let’s look at an example for a subcommittee. One committee that is often needed is one for planning activities and entertainment to keep everyone busy. You may have one person who is an expert crafter; therefore, they can form a subcommittee for crafting activities while the activities committee focuses their attention on other things such as planning games. Committees and subcommittees will always depend on the specific needs of the family reunion as a whole.
Keep in mind that you can involve distant family members in any part of the planning process because there is a lot of different ways we can communicate these days: Social networking, e-mail, telephone, text message, and the list goes on. Distant family members can even be present at meeting by way of video chat services such as Skype; just hook up a laptop!
Choosing a President and Chairpeople
Heading each committee is a person who will report to each and every meeting to keep everyone up-to-speed on where they are in their planning, to share ideas, and gather additional ideas from other committees. In other words, these are the important people that keeps every aspect of planning on the same page to keep everything organized.
The president is typically the person who started the planning in the first place, but can end up being someone else if desired by the voice of the chairpeople. The chairpeople can be any one person within each committee appointed by the members of each committee, chosen by the president, or simply volunteer for the position. Chairpeople need to be people who have free time outside of their day jobs in order to be able to make the meetings; they need to be reliable, organized, and punctual.
Types of Family Reunion Committees