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Thanksgiving Traditions for Families: 8 Simple and Meaningful Ideas to Start This Year

Want to create lasting family memories – minus all the stress? Today we are sharing simple Thanksgiving tradition ideas your family can start this year.

The Importance of Thanksgiving Traditions Did you know there is research which shows that traditions make our kids feel more secure?  Traditions also help promote healthy relationships between generations. Children will often remember the special experiences of family traditions long after the toys and gifts are forgotten.

But the good news is that they don’t need to be lavish and complicated. Plus, you wanna know the real reason you need to start some Thanksgiving family traditions now?

Because when your kids are married adults you want them to come home for the holidays!  If you have memorable traditions in place while your children are growing up, they won’t want to miss out on them when they are grown. This will ensure that your children and eventually grandchildren are sitting around the dinner table during the holidays. Simple Thanksgiving Traditions to Start This Year This post may contain affiliate links for your convenience. We only include brands we use and trust. See the full disclosure in the privacy policy. Family Thanksgiving Tablecloth

Our first super simple Thanksgiving tradition is a heart-warming idea from the Mills Family in Missouri. Each year, everyone invited to Thanksgiving dinner signs the tablecloth with a permanent marker.

Here are a few tips to kick up the sentimental value:

  • New baby in the family? Trace their hand or foot on the tablecloth so they are represented.

  • Use a different color marker for each year. Create a key along one of the bottom edges so you can look back and see who was there in 2017.

  • Your daughter invited her fiancé last year and then he called off the wedding? No problem, place the gravy boat over his name!

An alternative idea would be to do this with a table runner.

The Thankful Pumpkin - Paint a pumpkin and write on it!

I can’t think of a more simple Thanksgiving tradition than that.

It’s best to use a “fumpkin” AKA fake pumpkin, which you should be able to score for super cheap at any craft store after Halloween.

Use any color of spray paint, let dry and then use sharpies or metallic paint pins to write.

There are a few different ways you can personalize this new super simple Thanksgiving tradition:

  • Write the year on the pumpkin and have everyone sign their name.

  • Create a pumpkin for each family member to fill with everything they were thankful for that year.

  • Store the pumpkins to set out the following years for an opportunity to reminisce. Also becomes a super simple way to decorate!

Grab the kids and get outside for this fun fall activity. Just print out this super adorable Thanksgiving scavenger hunt for kids and have fun looking for all of the items on the checklist.

Gratitude Bank

You will adore this fun family Thanksgiving tradition idea from Made with Happy.

First you get your DIY on and make the bank.

This requires a few simple materials like a mason jar, a wooden plank, and prepping some wooden “coins” to deposit in the bank.

All of the supplies to make this project come in multiples, so you will have enough to make a second “Gratitude Jar” to give to someone as a gift.

Once complete, simply write your thank-yous and notes of gratitude on the coins and drop in the bank throughout the year or month of November.

Enjoy reading them aloud as you sit around the dinner table on Thanksgiving. You could even create a different colored “coin” for each family member.

A Box Full of Thanks

This wonderfully simple idea from Cottage in the Oaks is definitely one worth sharing.This is a great tradition to start when your children are small and continue it as they grow. To start, each person decorates their own box.

You can use an empty wipes container, shoebox, or purchase a document box – all of these would work great.

Depending on the age of your family members you could decorate with stickers, contact paper or with older children decoupage would be super fun.

At the beginning of November, or the week of Thanksgiving if you are short on time – set out strips of paper and markers for writing.

Each night at dinner have everyone write something they are thankful for and place it in their box. On Thanksgiving day you can open the boxes and read everyone’s responses.

If you use a different color of paper each year it makes it very easy to keep them all in the same box, but pull out a few from previous years to reminisce.

Friends Pie Night

Thanksgiving – so MUCH food, so LITTLE time!

The Holidays are such a special time of the year, but the hustle and bustle often means that we aren’t able to spend time with some of the people we are closest to.

Typically, Thanksgiving dinner is eaten with family and then we hop on Instagram to “see” all of our friends. Wouldn’t you like to actually spend time with them too?

Here comes Friends Pie Night to make that happen!

The set up for this super simple Thanksgiving tradition takes no time at all.

Invite your friends, brew a pot of coffee or tea and be sure to have plenty of plates and forks available. That’s it!

Each invitee brings their favorite pie and everyone joins in the Pie Fest. The Dating Divas have a ton of ideas to make the night super fun and entertaining, including gratitude charades and pie judging.

Another spin on this same idea is a Leftover Pie Party. This super laid-back tradition is hosted the day after Thanksgiving. In this version, everyone brings their leftover pie from the night before – because there is ALWAYS more pie than you can possibly eat in one day.

The perfect post-Turkey Day brunch to visit with friends and eat more pie! Plus if one of the kids shoves their hand in the pie it’s ok, because there is plenty more to go around.

Thanksgiving Door Banner

I originally found the inspiration for idea when looking for ways to make Valentine’s Day special for my kiddos. When Turkey Day rolled around it popped back in my head as an easy Thanksgiving tradition to start with my family. Simply cover a door with butcher paper. I love the rustic look of brown kraft paper; perfect for fall!

Be sure to use painter’s tape for easy removal.

Set a mason jar of permanent makers nearby and everyone has a chance to sign their name or write what they are thankful for.

When the festivities are over you can roll it up for safe keeping, or turn it over and let the kids draw on the back.

This idea is courtesy of my little girl.

She insists on “parading” around the neighborhood on almost every holiday.

In fact, this past 4th of July she and her brother dressed up, made decorations for the neighbors, and pulled the wagon around the block singing “Yankee Doodle” – PRICELESS!

This inspired me to think about hosting our own Family Turkey Trot.

Set a meeting time and designate the route using sidewalk chalk or large bows tied onto light posts.

How fun to avoid the commute and crowds associated with the larger Turkey Trots and instead enjoy a nice stroll with your friends and family? I could see this one quickly turning from a friendly stroll into an annual competition between siblings!

There you have it! A handful of super simple Thanksgiving traditions to start with your family this year! 

Article Published by: Lauren, Simply-Well-Balanced

My Family 365 was given full permission by the author to share this article in our content feed. To view the original article, please click here.


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